Friday, March 9, 2012

One of a Kind.

Today in my deovtions I was reading about Samson.  He was one of a kind.  This man could defeat any foe when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.  Samson is also the most human of all Judges.  He was capable of the most lewd and human of acts.  Samson greatest weakeness was that he could not leave foreign women alone.  This of course would lead to his defeat and most embarassing moment.  Samson shows that the gift and callings of God are without repentance.  God gives us gifts and talents to be used for His glory.  Sometimes we do it well and other times we do not.  Yet if we are available God will use us.  Samson is a lesson for all of us.  He shows us what happens when you wallow in the world.  You can and will lose everything.  Yet he is also an example of redemption.  At the end he learned his lesson and God used him one more time to defeat his enemies and he destroyed more of his enemies at the end then he did throughout his lifetime.  Zech 4:6, reminds us that it is not by might or power but by the Spirit that all things spiritual are accomplished.  Smith Wigglesworth saw great healings by the Spirit.  Billy Graham has seen million of souls come to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.  You can see God work in your life and situation when you rely on the Holy Spirit.  So whatever you do today, invite the Holy Spirit to be part of it and you will see the glory of and presence of God,  Whenever I proclaim the gospel that is my wish and I hope yours.

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