Friday, March 23, 2012

Being Honourable

   This morning in my devotions I was reading 1 Sam 26 where David had a chance to kill Saul and chose not too.  Saul had been an enemy of David's for a long time and tried many times to kill David but David never retaliated.  Why was that?  Saul was the Lord's anointed and David had great respect for that office.  The gifts and callings of God are without repentance.  This means when God calls someone He is not sorry He did.  Now I know there has been lots of misuse of God's callings by individuals over the years but this does not diminish the office of the Lord's anointed.  God is the one who deals with each person.  David let God deal with Saul.  From history we know that Saul eventually took his oown life and the Kingdom went to David. 
   I believe that we must let the Lord fight our battles and deal with our enemies.  When we try to fight our own battles we often make the situation worse.  I have had over the years many people misunderstand what I was trying to do and attack my character and reputation.  When I am tempted to rataliate or try to defend myself I remember that no matter what any one does to me I must not do the same to them.  I must walk in love, acceptance anf forgiveness.  God will help me and I will do things His way.  The beautiful thing is that I am still in the ministry after 33 years, I now am doing radio, writing, doing internet ministry and pastoring.  Those early critics are gone and I am still here which I find amazing.  So let God fight your battles and just stay focused on the Lord.

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