Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Make a plan for the future but be subject to change.

   There is an old adage that states, "If you fail to make a plan, you plan to fail.  I am all about making plans and setting things in order.  Earlier this year I spent a few days getting my messages for the first siix months of the year ready.  I know exactly what I am preaching on until June.  Yet I also know it is important to be available to the instant moving of the Holy Spirit.  There is this tension I have as a Spirit filled Christian.  The tension is my tendency for long term planning and the instant obedience to the changing flow that can happen in following the Holy Spirit.  I believe there is a balance.  Every morning we should make our plans and do our preparation but make them subject to change.  Never get so fixed on how you will do things for that day but be ready for change.  There are always going to be people, situations and circumstances that can change your focus and direction immediately in any day.  I have learned to never sweat the small things.  No let me rephrase, I am learning to not sweat the small things.  So make you plans, do all you can to get ready for the day but be open to where God wants you to be and be ready to give the hope that lies within you.   

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