Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Don't have a family failure.

Today I was reading in my devotions about Eli.  In 1 Sam 2:12-17, we find that Eli was a godly man and a great spiritual leader but was a failure as a father.  He was so engrossed in his ministry and hwat he was doing for the Lord that he lost his family.  The tragedy for Eli is that God warned him to do something about his boys and he refused.  He was passive when it came to the things of his family.  You must never be passive but pro-active when it comes to your family.  To me the greatest blessing I can have is children serving the Lord.  I have that privilege.  I have four children and all four are serving the Lord.  This past Sunday I was standing in church and there was my entire family doing something for the Lord.  It was a great blessing.  This does not come over night.  It was consistent prayer, teaching, mentoring and role modelling for the Lord.  Everyday I spend a great deal of my prayer time praying for my family.  I do not take anything for granted when it comes to my family.  I take very seriously the promise of Joshua 24:15 which states, "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."  I claim that promise and work towards it with my children.  I know the greatest work is done everyday.  Being a good parent is not easy.  It sometimes is boring and monotonous.  Yet if you stay consistent and focused you will win the day.  We parents are the key.  Our children are looking for role models and mentors.  Even today I still am role model and mentor for my children.  They still ask me questions and advice.  I do not push my views on my children or at least I try not to but our relationship is one of constant give and take.  The bottom line is be the parent God designed you to be and you will not end up with an Eli situation. 

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