Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Resolutions

     Well, it is another New Year and a new decade.  I was watching different news programs on New Year’s Eve with my family and the programs were talking about what happened over the past decade.  Exciting events like the building of Roger’s Place or the acquisition of Connor McDavid.  Worldwide events like the election of Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump.  Celebrity events like the marriages of Prince Harry, Justin Beiber.  Of course if we reflect over our own lives we think about family events like children or in my case grandchildren.  In the past decade I have had four of my seven grandchildren born.   Each unique and special in their own way.  I could never imagine life without them.  
    With the New Year, comes resolutions.  I asked the question on social media what were people’s New Year’s resolution?  The response was very interesting.  The majority said they were not making any resolutions because they just break them.  So I thought I would list first the top ten New Year’s resolutions people break and then list some good New Year’s resolution we should try to keep.
     First, the top ten New Year’s resolution people break.  Lose Weight and Get Fit, Quit Smoking, Learn Something New, Eat Healthier and Diet, Get Out of Debt and Save Money, Spend More Time with Family, Travel to New Places, Be Less Stressed, Volunteer and Drink Less.  Now each one of these is a great resolution to keep and do. 
     So why do we break New Year’s Resolutions?   1. You’re treating a marathon like a sprint.  Slow and steady habit change might not be electrifying but it’s a lot more effective than the “I want it ALL and I want it NOW!” mentality. Small changes stick better because they aren’t intimidating if you do it right, you’ll barely even notice them!  2. You put the cart before the horse.  Focus on the actions that produce the important results. If it’s not important, don’t worry about it.  3. You don’t believe in yourself and God’s ability.  A failure to act can cripple you before you leave the starting line. If you’ve tried (and failed) to set a New Year’s resolution (or several) in the past, I know it might be hard to believe in yourself and God’s help.   Doubt is a nagging voice in your head that will resist personal growth with every ounce of its being.  The only way to defeat doubt is to believe in yourself and the Lord.  Who cares if you’ve failed a time or two?  Borrowing from the movie Galaxy Quest, where the Captain’s catch phrase was, “Never give up, Never Surrender.”  Make that your moto. 
     So what are some good resolutions you should incorporate into your life.  First, you should invite the Lord into every moment of your life.  Notice I said, every moment.  There is an old hymn that says, “I don’t worry about tomorrow I just live from day to day.”  The reality is that we have no guarantee that we are even going to make it through the day.  I don’t want to sound morbid.  As a pastor, I have performed hundreds of funerals of people who thought they had all the time in the world.  You do not.  So enjoy the day that you have a live it to the fullest.  The Lord has promised not only eternal but an abundant life.  Live each moment to the fullest.  Be thankful, gracious, kind, gentle, loving, compassionate, forgiving and friendly each moment. 
     Secondly, focus on your private world.  I am talking about the real you.  Not the public persona you project.  What you do in private is the real you.  So focus on being a person of honesty, integrity, love, forgiveness and encouragement.  Spending time with God, praying and reading the Bible is the best way.  Resolve before you leave the house that no matter what anyone does to you, you will not do the same to them.  You will treat them no matter who they are or what they have done as you would want to be treated.   
     Next, focus on your family and friends.  The special people God brings in and out of your life.   Each day in His grace and mercy He brings people across you path.  They are there for a reason.  In that moment be grateful for them and nurture that relationship if it is long term.    If it is a onetime situation whether good or bad treat it as a growing experience.  Truth, be told we learn our best lessons through negative experiences.  They make up face our own weaknesses, short comings and failures.  They make us react either good or bad.  They challenge our abilities, our resourcefulness and creativity.  They challenge our mental, spiritual, intellectual and physical talents, skills and abilities.  In short they can make us a better person.  Make sure you tell and show love to those you care about.  Do it while they are around to hear and see it,  Well,  I see that my time to write is over.  Think about what you have read and have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

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