Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Sudan


To the Church and Nation of Sudan


     You are a country where politics, religion, language, and race collide.  You also have shown through your history what happens when my people are in leadership and when other religions then seize control.  You are an ancient land.  You have had many dealings with me.  I have sent my people to you many times.  When you accepted them you have flourished and been powerful.  You helped save my nation of Israel which brought my blessing.  Then when you accepted me for hundreds of years you were in abundance, health, and peace.  Since the rise of other religions, you now have war, strife, economic, political, social and religious turmoil.  Hundreds have perished because of your foolishness, pride, and blindness.  As a nation, you have this moment to turn away from war, sorrow, and death to me.  If you choose me I will heal your land and restore you.  If you choose to continue as you are you shall fall into deeper darkness and sorrow.

     To my church in the dark land.  You have suffered much and have been persecuted without any reprieve.  I have seen your sorrow, tears, and pain.  I will heal you.  Wipe away your tears and give you the oil of joy for mourning.  I am about to break out in a revival in your land.  So many are tired of war, political upheaval, death, famine, and disease.  They want a new future and I will speak to them.  It will happen through, visions, dreams, prophecies and you.  There are many now even being prepared for you to harvest.  Many are young and vulnerable right now.  They need your love, mentorship, and role model.  This will be a revival in homes because religious zealots and clerics are looking for this.  They are afraid of you.  Their master is deception, lies, and falsehood.  They, however, will not be able to detect or stop you.  It will be days of harvest for you.  I have two promises for you today.  I call you to heavenly ambitions, goals, and affections.  You must keep your eyes on me for the enemy is lurking nearby seeking who he may devour.  I promise to give you exaltation to heavenly places.  I am going to give you a new place, name, and promise.  You will be with me where I am.  You will reap what I give you and you will have my victory. 

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