Friday, November 27, 2020

o the Church and Nation of Sweden


o the Church and Nation of Sweden


    You are a nation with a long and various past.  You were known as the northern people.  You served the myth and legends of the Nordic people.  You were fierce, strong and ruthless.  You were feared and respected at the same time.  You then gave up the demons, legends and idol worship of the old days and came to me.  You have been great and humbled in your history.  Today you are standing on the edge of change.  What you do now will determine your future.  You have many who have come to you demanding you change to accommodate them.  You are struggling with social, cultural, political and religious changes.  What you do will determine what I do.  There are forces on your continent that will demand your alliance and submission even now you have to a certain point.  These demands are making you question if the alliance is to your advantage or not.  As well as more of you are turning away from me so your nation will be reaping loneliness, selfishness, and separation.

    To my church, I have a commendation and a warning.  My commendation is that you see what is happening and are responding with fasting, prayer, personal commitment to righteousness and truth.  You know your time is limited and you are responding in the right way.  The warning is that many who call themselves mine and are not.  You are lukewarm, apathetic and apostate.  You have all the form of godliness but not the substance.  You look fine on the outside but inside you are dead and lifeless.  You cannot give medicine to a corpse.  I wish to revive you but you are currently, blind and deaf to my call.  Repent or I will remove your candlestick.  This is a serious time for your country and you.  I am going to raise up from among you young people who will know their God, be strong and do exploits.  They will be raised up for a time such as this.  There are many in your land you have not bowed their knee to the images and standards of this world.  So spend time with me, become renewed and revived.  There is a small window of opportunity before I come.  Seized it and rescue the perishing and care for the dying. 

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