Wednesday, November 18, 2020

To the Church and Nation of South Africa

 To the Church and Nation of South Africa


     There has always been one form of racial tension in your land.  Even before the Europeans came to you, you were fighting among the nations within you.  It breaks my heart when I see my creation oppressing each other under the guise of color, religion, culture or language.  Prejudice in any form belittles others.  My will is that all men come into unity and truth.  This is accomplished through Jesus Christ who came for all mankind.  He came to set the captive free.  Prejudice and the oppression it brings is centuries old in your land.  It started when you came to this land and instead of working together, you choose to line up by tribe, clan, and language.  You robbed, killed and destroyed and use the excuse that they are not of us.  They do not have our gods, deities or idols.  This then happened to you when the Europeans came and when you came into power you did it to them.  Only through forgiveness and love can this be destroyed.

    To my church, I will use you for forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration.  Your land has been fractured and split apart from hatred.  You see it every day in services, bible studies, and gatherings.  My church is divided on race even though there has been some progress.  This cannot continue.  All our mine in the Lord.  There is no race, creed or color in me.  I am the God of all men.  Every, tribe, nation, people and language are mine and I created them.  I am going to use you as the healer and bride on this issue.  I am raising up from among you Daniel's Joseph's and Esther’s.  Wise and discerning leaders who will be able to bring you to a place you should be.  I call on you to draw close to me.  I encourage you to repent of all that is wrong in your life.  I call you healing and freedom.  I have three promises to my church in South Africa.  I will ignite in you a flame of fire.  It will purify, cleanse, burn away and refine your heart.  Secondly, I will give you a new heart.  A heart of love, compassion, forgiveness, and grace.  Thirdly I will use you to bring healing to your nation.  You are my path to reconciliation.  As your love one another so your nation can learn.  Be my example.

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