Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Letters to David - Letters written to a friend by a disciple of Jesus Christ in his journey of prayer. Letter Two

Letters to David

Hello David.
I love prayer so much it gives such focus and direction for life. What a beautiful concept to know you are one on one with the Master of the Universe. It is just you and Him. To be able to set time aside to be with Jehovah, the great, I Am. I marvel how when Moses asked the Lord, "who shall I say sent me." His reply was, "I am that I am." I am the all sufficient one, I neeed nothing and no one. I am complete in myself. I have always been and always will be. He is the beginning and the end. The first and the last.
What a privilege it is to know that God is concerned about the smallest details of my life. Every problem, situation and circumstances can be covered in prayer. But it all starts with the right heart attitude. David, I never want my prayer time to be unfruitful. It has to be from the heart. I know I have had those times where it feels like duty or obligation. It is during these times I feel unfruittful and unfulfilled. Yet I must persevere because desire, becomes discipline and eventually becomes delight.
I love the fact I can focus on hallowing and worshipping the Lord. What a wonder it is to be hanging with Jesus. I guess what I find so fascinating is that God would want to be spend time with me. I know He loves me and has gloriously saved me but to actually to want to spend time with me is beyond my comprehension. This is truly amazing. I will really have to think about this more.

Your Friend.


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