Friday, April 5, 2013

Jesus and the Disciples

Jesus poured his life into twelve young men which we know as the apostles.  These were 12 young men that Jesus chose to lead His church into the next generation.  Jesus saw something in them that no one else saw.  He saw not what they were at the time but what they were going to be become.  He knew what they were going to do in the future and not what they were doing at the time.  The Lord sees from the eternal future.  He sees what we will be like at the peak of our service.  He knows what we are going to do even before we do it.  He knows there will be times where we fail and other times when we succeed.  The key for us is to stay in the center of His will and follow Him with all our hearts.  To do what Paul says, to know Christ and Him crucified.  To keep things real simple.  Live everyday as if this was your last day and keep Jesus as the object of our love and affection.  Live your life for the Lord and remember you have an audience of one.  His disciples knew that only Jesus had the words of eternal life and so they stayed close to Him.  Do you know that?  So today as you serve Him, keep really close to Him and serve Him with every fibre of your being.  Your promises today are:  Matt 6:33, 2 Chron 7:14, Isaiah 41:10, 1 Cor 10:13, Phil 4:8-9 and James 1:5.  Your Insightful Saying are:  The person who chooses their words wisely rarely makes a fool's mistake.  Your may be aware of time and places and not be aware of where you are in life.

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