Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do not Give up.

In Luke 18:1-8, there is a wonderful story about a woman who was dealing with an unjust judge who did not honor God or man.  She wanted her case to be dealt with but  the judge would not hear her.  The marvelous thing about this woman is that she refused to give up.  She brought her case before the judge and finally out of frustration he heard her case and made things right.  Jesus uses this parable as a launching pad for how we are not to give up in prayer but keep petitioning God until the answer comes.  The problem with most of us is we give up to soon.  The reason God often delays an answer has more to do with us than with Him.  The problem with our society today is that everything today is quick and easy.  When you want a dinner all you have to do is open the pack, stick it in the microwave and presto there is dinner.  We apply this same attitude to prayer and the things of God.  It does not work that way.  God is the God of the perfect timing.  He is always working but people, situations and circumstances all have to be orchestrated to make things happen.  So sometimes it takes time to see the breakthrough.  From this passage we see we must not give up but keep praying until the answer comes.  A good lesson to learn.  Your promises are:  Dan 9:23, 10:13, James 4:2, Matt 6:33 and Phil 4:13, & 19.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  Gossip is tasty to the tongue and ears until it is about you.  The issues of the heart can only be hid for a time before they surface in actions, speech or attitudes.

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