Friday, August 23, 2024

Aug 23 – Abraham and Sarah - Isaiah 51:1-3

 Aug 23 – Abraham and Sarah - Isaiah 51:1-3


     Isaiah speaks direct to those who wish to pursue and go after righteousness and desire to seek the Lord.  He tells them to go to rock from which they were cut and from the quarry they were hewn.  This of course is the Lord, and their desire is from Him.  Their examples are Abraham and Sarah.  They were the ones who gave birth to Israel.  Abraham started out as one but later he became the father of many nations and people.  That was because of the blessing of the Lord.

     The Lord is going o comfort the people of Zion.  He has seen their ruins.  He will make the desert like the garden of Eden.  This promise will bring about four things.  Gladness, thanksgiving, joy, and the sound of singing.  All forms of worship.  Worship is an attitude of the heart express when the Lord has fulfilled and kept His promises.

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