Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Aug 21 – No Accusation - Isaiah 50:7-9

 Aug 21 – No Accusation - Isaiah 50:7-9


     The Messianic picture continues stating the Lord is going to help Him.  He will not be disgraced.  He is going to set His face like flint.  The so-called shame will turn to victory.  The Lord vindicates and because of that no one can bring charges.  The Messiah will face His accusers face to face. 

     The accuser will be confronted.  When the sovereign Lord helps no one can condemn.  Remember there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  They will wear out like a garment and the moths will eat them.  All the plans and devices of men and evil will come to naught when the Lord is on our side.

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