Monday, August 19, 2024

Aug 19 – Lord’s hand is no so short - Isaiah 50:1-3

 Aug 19 – Lord’s hand is no so short - Isaiah 50:1-3


     The Lord is speaking to Judah, and he tells them that they are on the same path as Israel.  Isarel was given a certificate of divorce and sent away to Assyria because of their transgressions and sins.  The Lord came but no one was there.  When he called no one answered.  Sin and iniquity will silence our ability to hear the Lord when He speaks.  There is a communication gap. 

     The Lord reminds Judah that His arm is not too short that he cannot save and that he does have the strength to rescue them.  All they must do is ask.  The Lord is only a prayer away.  Just with a word he can turn the sea or rivers in desert.  He clothes the heavens with darkness and make it look like sackcloth.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

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