Thursday, August 15, 2024

Aug 15 – The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 49:1-6

 Aug 15 – The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 49:1-6


     Isaiah begins a section of his book talking about the Suffering Servant.  The Lord calls the people of all lands to hear.  Before this person was born the Lord call them and before he was even in his mothers womb the Lord had called His name.  The Lord has our lives planned out even before we are even conceived. 

     The Lord has made His mouth a sharpened sword.  He has been set aside like a sharpened arrow hidden in a quiver.  Israel was created to display the splendor of God.  Unfortunately, because of their

Stubbornness the Lord has labored in vain. Yet it is not the end of the story.  They will be a showcase

Nation and be a reward for the Lord. 

     The nation of Israel will be gathered back to Himself.  The servant of the Lord will be honored and will be the Lord’s strength.  The Lord is also going to restore them to become a light for the gentiles and His

Salvation may reach the ends od the earth.  This is a prophecy about the universal Messiah.

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