Thursday, August 1, 2024

Aug 1 – Idol Folly - Isaiah 44:6-12

 Aug 1 – Idol Folly - Isaiah 44:6-12

The Lord is Israel’s king, redeemer, and the Lord Almighty. This is not just titles He gives Himself.

This is who the Lord is. He is the first and the last. There is no god apart from Him. Who is like Him

Come forward and declare it and make it know. The Lord established His people long ago and only

He can tell what is to come. He reminds them to not be afraid or tremble. He proclaimed and

Foretold long ago that they were His witnesses. They were to tell that there was no other God besides

Him. That there is no rock like Him and He is the one.

Isaiah reveals that those who make idols are nothing. The things they make are worthless. Those

Who speak for idols are blind. The one who shapes a idol can profit nothing. Jesus said you can gain the

Who world and lose your soul.

Isaiah reminds his audience that those who make idols will be put to shame. The idols are made by

Human hands. The demons they honor will be put to shame along with the craftsman who made these


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