Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Aug 13 – No More Secrets - Isaiah 48:12-16

 Aug 13 – No More Secrets - Isaiah 48:12-16


     The Lord calls Israel to listen.  He is the first and the last.  With his hand He laid the foundations of the

Earth and with His right hand He spread out the heavens.  He called them into being.  He reminds them that idols cannot speak or foretell things.  The Lord is about to judge Babylon and He has chosen the

Medo-Persian to do this.  That which was spoken in secret is about to become public. 

     The Medo-Persians will succeed because the Lord is with them.  The Lord has made this known by His Spirit.  Isaiah has been sent by the Lord to speak this message to both Judah and the Babylonians.  There

Is no secret any longer it is public.  When God says something is going to happen it would violate His own

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