Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Aug 14 – Simple and Clear - Isaiah 48:17-22


Aug 14 – Simple and Clear - Isaiah 48:17-22


     The Lord is the redeemer, Holy One of Israel, and the Lord.  He is their sovereign, Lord, and God.  He is

The one who teaches them what is best and the way they should go.  When one listens and obeys the

Lord peace and well being will flow like a river.  If only they have listened the legacy would have been

Great and passed on for many generations.  They names would be remember and not destroyed.

     Isaiah tells them to leave Babylon.  Leave that city with joy and gladness.  Proclaim it to all nations.

Let all the nations know that the Lord has redeemed Israel.  Like in the past He will lead them through

The deserts and made water flow from a rock like He did in the times of Moses.  This chapter ends with

A somber warning.  There is no peace says the Lord for the wicked.  Simple, clear, and precise.

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