Monday, August 26, 2024



Aug 26 – The Almighty One - Isaiah 51:12-16

 Aug 26 – The Almighty One - Isaiah 51:12-16


     The Lord reminds His people that they should never fear people.  They are mere mortal like the grass.  The problem is that they have forgotten the Lord who made all creation because all they see is their oppressors who are bent on destruction.  Easy to do. 

     The Lord will soon set the captive free and release those in prison.  They will not die from starvation.  The Lord is their God.  He stirs up the seas.  He is the Almighty.  He has put his words in their mouths, and they are covered by the shadow of His hand.  He has set the heavens in place and laid the foundations of the earth, and they are His people.  Such a great knowledge and reality. 

Friday, August 23, 2024



Aug 23 – Abraham and Sarah - Isaiah 51:1-3

 Aug 23 – Abraham and Sarah - Isaiah 51:1-3


     Isaiah speaks direct to those who wish to pursue and go after righteousness and desire to seek the Lord.  He tells them to go to rock from which they were cut and from the quarry they were hewn.  This of course is the Lord, and their desire is from Him.  Their examples are Abraham and Sarah.  They were the ones who gave birth to Israel.  Abraham started out as one but later he became the father of many nations and people.  That was because of the blessing of the Lord.

     The Lord is going o comfort the people of Zion.  He has seen their ruins.  He will make the desert like the garden of Eden.  This promise will bring about four things.  Gladness, thanksgiving, joy, and the sound of singing.  All forms of worship.  Worship is an attitude of the heart express when the Lord has fulfilled and kept His promises.

Thursday, August 22, 2024



Aug 22 – Invitation - Isaiah 50:9-11


Aug 22 – Invitation - Isaiah 50:9-11


     A question is asked.  Who fears the Lord and who obeys the word of the Lord.  An invitation then is given.  Let the one who walks in the dark and has no light trust in the Lord and rely on their God.  God is always issuing an invitation.  He then states that a person can light a torch, build a fire for warmth but it will not satisfy a basic need.  When we rely on our own devices, wisdom, and resources they will fail, and we end up in torment.  Answer the invitation and receive eternal and abundant life.  The alternative is dismal.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Aug 21 – No Accusation - Isaiah 50:7-9

 Aug 21 – No Accusation - Isaiah 50:7-9


     The Messianic picture continues stating the Lord is going to help Him.  He will not be disgraced.  He is going to set His face like flint.  The so-called shame will turn to victory.  The Lord vindicates and because of that no one can bring charges.  The Messiah will face His accusers face to face. 

     The accuser will be confronted.  When the sovereign Lord helps no one can condemn.  Remember there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  They will wear out like a garment and the moths will eat them.  All the plans and devices of men and evil will come to naught when the Lord is on our side.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Aug 20 – The Passion - Isaiah 50:4-6

 Aug 20 – The Passion - Isaiah 50:4-6


     The Lord gives those who seek Him a well instructed tongue.  One that can sustain and keep the weary.  He wakens us early so we can seek Him and get instructed.  Remember His mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness.

     Isaiah states that the Sovereign Lord has opened the ears of the Messiah.  He has not been rebellious or have turned away.  The Messiah has offered his back to those who beat him.  This of course speaks of what Jesus would suffer at the hands of the Romans.  His cheeks would be bruised, and His beard would be pulled out.  He would be mocked and spit upon which did happen.  Isaiah gets a picture of the crucifixion 700 years before it happened. 

Monday, August 19, 2024



Aug 19 – Lord’s hand is no so short - Isaiah 50:1-3

 Aug 19 – Lord’s hand is no so short - Isaiah 50:1-3


     The Lord is speaking to Judah, and he tells them that they are on the same path as Israel.  Isarel was given a certificate of divorce and sent away to Assyria because of their transgressions and sins.  The Lord came but no one was there.  When he called no one answered.  Sin and iniquity will silence our ability to hear the Lord when He speaks.  There is a communication gap. 

     The Lord reminds Judah that His arm is not too short that he cannot save and that he does have the strength to rescue them.  All they must do is ask.  The Lord is only a prayer away.  Just with a word he can turn the sea or rivers in desert.  He clothes the heavens with darkness and make it look like sackcloth.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Thursday, August 15, 2024



Aug 15 – The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 49:1-6

 Aug 15 – The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 49:1-6


     Isaiah begins a section of his book talking about the Suffering Servant.  The Lord calls the people of all lands to hear.  Before this person was born the Lord call them and before he was even in his mothers womb the Lord had called His name.  The Lord has our lives planned out even before we are even conceived. 

     The Lord has made His mouth a sharpened sword.  He has been set aside like a sharpened arrow hidden in a quiver.  Israel was created to display the splendor of God.  Unfortunately, because of their

Stubbornness the Lord has labored in vain. Yet it is not the end of the story.  They will be a showcase

Nation and be a reward for the Lord. 

     The nation of Israel will be gathered back to Himself.  The servant of the Lord will be honored and will be the Lord’s strength.  The Lord is also going to restore them to become a light for the gentiles and His

Salvation may reach the ends od the earth.  This is a prophecy about the universal Messiah.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ephesians 1:3



Aug 14 – Simple and Clear - Isaiah 48:17-22


Aug 14 – Simple and Clear - Isaiah 48:17-22


     The Lord is the redeemer, Holy One of Israel, and the Lord.  He is their sovereign, Lord, and God.  He is

The one who teaches them what is best and the way they should go.  When one listens and obeys the

Lord peace and well being will flow like a river.  If only they have listened the legacy would have been

Great and passed on for many generations.  They names would be remember and not destroyed.

     Isaiah tells them to leave Babylon.  Leave that city with joy and gladness.  Proclaim it to all nations.

Let all the nations know that the Lord has redeemed Israel.  Like in the past He will lead them through

The deserts and made water flow from a rock like He did in the times of Moses.  This chapter ends with

A somber warning.  There is no peace says the Lord for the wicked.  Simple, clear, and precise.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Aug 13 – No More Secrets - Isaiah 48:12-16

 Aug 13 – No More Secrets - Isaiah 48:12-16


     The Lord calls Israel to listen.  He is the first and the last.  With his hand He laid the foundations of the

Earth and with His right hand He spread out the heavens.  He called them into being.  He reminds them that idols cannot speak or foretell things.  The Lord is about to judge Babylon and He has chosen the

Medo-Persian to do this.  That which was spoken in secret is about to become public. 

     The Medo-Persians will succeed because the Lord is with them.  The Lord has made this known by His Spirit.  Isaiah has been sent by the Lord to speak this message to both Judah and the Babylonians.  There

Is no secret any longer it is public.  When God says something is going to happen it would violate His own

Friday, August 9, 2024



Aug 9 – Decisions - Isaiah 33:1

 Aug 9 – Decisions - Isaiah 33:1

Isaiah brings a simple but powerful truth and lesson to his audience. He tells them there are

Consequences and realities to lifestyle choices and decisions. When you destroy or betray that is

What is going to happen to you. Paul said in Gal 6:8, that whatever you sow that is what you will

Reap. With the same measure you give it will be given back to you. He implores them to stop

Destroying and betraying. Come back to the Lord and see the end of a terrible life of bad decisions

And serve the Lord.

Thursday, August 8, 2024



August 8 – The Reaction - Isaiah 37:1-7

 August 8 – The Reaction - Isaiah 37:1-7

Hezekiah as a godly king tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and went to the house of the Lord. This

should be the reaction of any child of God. He then sent the officials that had met with he field

commander to Isaiah. The message given to the prophet was that this was a distress, rebuke, and

disgrace. Like when a child is born and then is no longer any strength to deliver them. They were in


Isaiah then tells them the Lord has a message for Hezekiah. The words given by the underlings from

Assyria have blasphemed the Lord. The King will hear a report and then return to his own country and

Be cut down by the sword. A lesson here s that when people either mock God or the people of God

They are condemning themselves and will have to face the consequences that is why we should leave

Things in God’s hands and let Him defend us.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Aug 7 – Who is God? - Isaiah 40:15-20

 Aug 7 – Who is God? - Isaiah 40:15-20

The nations are like dust. Not all the forest in Lebanon is enough for the Lord. The nations are.

Nothing, worthless and in fact less than nothing. No idol, image made of any material can compare

To the Lord. The skilled craftsman can make an image or idol, but they have no life and are the works

Of men. No one or nothing is like the Lord. He is the eternal, all powerful, all knowing, pure and holy one.