Friday, April 17, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Equatorial Guinea

To the Church and Nation of Equatorial Guinea

I have a strong rebuke for the nation and institution of the church in this land.  I have seen your history and my heart is broken.  I have seen all the atrocities that have been committed in your land.  I see how you have enslaved, created a terrible human trafficking movement in your land.  I have seen the violence and greed done.  I have blessed you with so much and yet you have destroyed so much in your greed.  I gave you beautiful butterflies, abundant wildlife and resources and yet you have not used it properly.  You have destroyed the innocent and those who have no voice.  You have all the modern conveniences but you pile them up on yourselves and you let the innocent children die.  This is to your shame and you will face my wrath and judgment because of it.  To those who do this, you will die in the same manner that you have done to others.  Remember what you have sown is what you reap.
     Now to the institutional church there I am cross and disappointed in you.  You have stood by and allowed this to happen.  You have not been my voice in this land.  This is to your shame.  You have not been the voice and my arm to stand in the gap for the innocent and victimized.  This should never be.  You are the majority in this land and yet you let this happen.  I will judge you for this and am prepared to remove your candlestick.
     To my remnant.  I have seen your works, prayers, and weeping.  You have been my voice but you have suffered because of this.  You are feeling overwhelmed and at times defeated but this is not the end of your story.  I have three blessings I am going to give you.  First, you will be my voice and weapon formed against you will prosper.  The darkness of the land will be overcome with light and I will rescue many through you.  Next, as you go forth in my name and be my ambassadors I will meet all your needs supernaturally.  You have been in poverty but soon you will be rich in me.  Lastly, I will keep you for the coming glory.  Remember I am coming soon I will bless and honor those who do my name and honor me with their lives.  You have done this and I will give you many blessings, rewards, and honor.

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