Monday, April 6, 2020

To the Church and nation of Dominican Republic

To the Church and nation of Dominican Republic

   I have watched over you from your very beginning and when I brought my good news to your land you embraced it.  The spiritual forces that were in control of you fled to another part of the land.  You started off slow but over time you allowed me more and more control of your land.  I have blessed you because of it.  I know many different groups within my church are competing for your heart and you have remained close to me.  I have put my blessing on you in every way. Your resources have become known.  I have given you the greatest economy in your region.  People want to come to you because I have blessed you with fine weather and a beautiful landscape.  What amazes people is that your neighbor Haiti which has the same resources and potential has never developed like you.  The reason is that they gave themselves over to voodoo and you did not.  The difference is light and darkness.  You have the light and they have the darkness.  I have given you the second largest gold mine in the America's because I am pleased with you.  The only warning I have for you is to never take your blessing for granted and do not think you have done this by yourself.
    To my church, I have five blessings I wish to give you.  First, you will be fruitful.  I wish to give you fruit and this fruit will remain.  It will peace, love, joy, faith, and compassion.  Next, I will answer your prayers.  You have prayed for revival and I will give that to you.  Pray for household salvation and I will give it to you.  Thirdly,  I will give you peace.  You have the Prince of Peace and this peace is what the world cannot give or take away.  Fourthly, I will give you new, abundant and victorious life.  Remember you a victor, overcomer, and conqueror in me.  Lastly, I will make you righteous and people will marvel at what you have done for me.  Stay strong in me and I will give you your land. 

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