Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The way is clear

May 27. 2012 – 1Thess 3L11-13 – The way is clear. 

Intro:  Our message is from the Book of 1 Thessalonians.  This church was established by Paul during his second missionary journey.  There had been great persecution but the small church, comprised of Greeks and Jews were standing fast in victory.  Paul was so elated at the news he wrote them this letter.  This was the first of his two letters to the Thessalonians 

Background:  There were four things Paul wanted to address.

  1. Someone had claimed the Lord had already come so he wanted to address this.
  2. The church had become idle and complacent because some key people had died.  Paul spoke to that issue by reminding them they would see them again.  He told them that idleness lead to returning to old habits, choices and heathen voices.  A powerful lesson here is you are not going ahead, sooner or later you will go backward,
  3. The church had 3 distinct cultural groups and so he wrote in an effort to unite them.  He encourages them to be unified and defend the faith and to not lose heart in the midst of persecution. 
  4. He exhorts the church to be pure, full of brotherly love and daily walk with the Lord in the midst of persecution. 

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for one another and for everyone else. 

  1. It begins with us loving God first with every fibre of our being then letting it overflow to others, this will extend to all the community,  Paul says to follow his example and model along with the other apostles to love sinners.  Paul had sent Timothy to see how the church was doing and that had prompted the letter, 
  2. Brotherly love shows that we are His disciples.

Vs 12

      1.  Paul’s prayer was that God the Father and Jesus Christ could clear the way for 
           them to come and see them.  This statement has a strong prayer and spiritual 
           warfare component.
2.  Only prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare can open the heavens and bring revival. 
3.      Paul was encouraging and exhorting the Thessalonians to get unified.  Revival
      doesn’t just happen.  Prayer is the key.  Talk about the New Hebrides revival. 

Vs 13

      3.  Paul prays that they would be strengthened in their hearts.  The inner affects the outer.  Prayer, word, and using your spiritual language are key components to facilitate the strengthening of your hearts.

  1. When your inner world is right. The outer world will follow.  Gordon Macdonald says, “When you order your private world, your outer life shows the inner world’s progress.” 
  2. This whole process enables you to be blameless and holy which means separated unto God.  This of course affects lifestyle, attitudes and habits.
  3. Paul encourages and exhorts them to be prepared.  Jesus is coming back.  If his exhortation was relevant for that day how much more should it be for our day.  The Lord is coming back with His holy ones.  Remember the dead in Christ rise first. 
  4. Paul comforts the Thessalonians that they would see their loved ones again.  Paul exhorts them to have orderly conduct in life.  He wanted their hearts and lives to be ready. 

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