Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Fuller revelation

Fuller revelation – Part Two – Eight Six

     The Lord wants you have a fuller revelation of His will, plans and purpose for your life.  He has called  you time and time again but you have been too busy to hear His voice.  There is so much more the Lord wants to show you and help you to know.  He wants you to know His perfect and glorious will.  So many of His people are living well below their potential.  They are like the children sitting under the table living on scraps when they could eat at the table enjoying the royal dainties.

     To have a fuller knowledge of God you must be willing to pursue and never give up on the Lord.  He loves when His people chase after Him for He knows they really want what He has.  You must be persistent to have God’s best.  Never despise small beginning.  When you are faithful in the least than you can be trusted with the riches of heaven.  Faithful is the steward who waits for the word from His master.  They shall be reward with more and great responsibility.  Perseverance is the key.  You never give up or surrender.  You stay on course until you reach your destination of a fuller revelation from God,
     God created you out of the dust of the earth and breathed into you new life.  Use that life for His praise and glory.  Remember you are called to be an instrument of blessing.  Just because someone is made of the dust of the earth they should never treated as dirt.  All mankind is created in the image of God.  This image is to be respected, admired and cherished,.  Jesus said that people will know we are His disciples by the way we love one another.  Love and you will touch the face of God.  All mankind carrying with them the potential for great things.  If we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness all things will be added until us together we will touch our world for Jesus Christ.  Let us do it together for His glory and praise.  Amen.   

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