Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Create in Me a Clean Heart – Ps 51 – Oct 26, 2008

Intro:  Today is our second message on the book of Psalms.  This message is focusing on the second book division in the book of Psalms.  This second book focuses on Prayers of the faith in times of trouble and adversity.  This second book is from psalms 42-72. 

1.  The background of this Psalm is David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. 

a.  This Psalm is the record of his confession.  How do you get a clean heart?  This
     Psalm answers this question.
b.  The first way that is to know you need God’s mercy, loving kindness and tender
     Mercies to blot out and cover your multitudes of sins.  In verses 1 and 2 David is
     Confessing his sins. This is what John talked about in 1 Jn 1:9. 

2.  To get a clean heart you must acknowledge your part in sin and take responsibility. 
     In verses 3-4.  Before true change comes we must acknowledge our problem and sin.
     David saw his sin for what it was.  He knew he had not only sinned against Bathsheba,
     And Uriah, but against God.  He knew God was justified when He spoke and judged.
     This is the second part of true repentance.  You renounced your sin and make a
     Decision to not do it again. 

3.  To keep a clean heart you need to know you have a battle going inside.  David
      Acknowledge his sinful nature and his desire towards sin.  He understood as Paul
      Said in Rom 7:14-21.  But note here that David did not use his sinful nature
      Or desire towards it as an excuse as many do. 

a.   Many use their upbringing, family history, circumstances, things that happened to
      Them and what others did to them as an excuse to act, talk, think or have attitudes
      towards certain people or things.  Modern secular counselling is a billion dollar
      Business because most never get past what happened to them. 
b.  Christians should know that everything ends at the cross. When you confess your
      Sins, renounce and receive God’s forgiveness.  Its ability to effect your past, present
      And future ends there.  As far as God is concerned it is over. Now there may be
      Consequences to your sin but even in them God will help.  For David and Bathsheba
      The next child born to them was Solomon, the wisest man of the ancient world.  We
       Are to think, see, talk and act like Jesus.
4.  To keep a clean heart you have to like David desire purity.  In vs. 7-9, David desired
     Purity, to be clean before the Lord.  That only comes with making a decision to keep
     Close account with God and man.  Making sure you don’t allow unforgiveness, hurt
     Or bitterness towards God and others to stay very long in your life. 

a.  David knew that with a pure life comes joy and gladness.  David wanted God to hide
     His face from his sins and blot out all his iniquity.  Iniquity is Habitual sin.

b.  A desire for a clean heart, purity and holiness is a recipe against sin. 

5.   David prays in vs. 10-12, that the Lord will create in him a clean heart and renew
      A right Spirit within him.  To not cast him away from God’s presence or take His
      Holy Spirit from him.  David knew that separation acutely.  His sin had separated
      Him from that daily communion with God.  He knew how he felt and he saw the
      Results of his sin.  His fear like many is that somehow he would lose the closeness
      That comes with daily communion with God through the Holy Spirit. 

a.  He was aware of the brokenness of the relationship and he wanted it restore again.
     He states in vs. 12, God restore unto me the joy of your salvation and renew a right
     Spirit within me.  The KJV says a free spirit.  A spirit that is not hindered in any way
b.  David understood here that man has a conscious and unconscious mind.  The
     Conscious part of our mind is where a person mentally evaluates and perceives
     Something, how they feel about something or an event and they will respond to it.
c.  The unconscious mind is that part of us that can make wrong assumptions because
      It is more subject to the invisible realm.  This is the area where the power of sin has
     Most of its power. 
d.  The unconscious mind because of sin is headed the wrong direction.  People are out
      Themselves.  Man has two directions, live for God or self.  This is the difference
      Between the regenerated heart and the unregenerated heart. 

6.  David’s desire next was to teach others about God’s way.  He wanted to share his
     Experience as a warning.  Clean hearts want to do that.   Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians
     That the Bible characters are given as examples so we don’t have to make the same
     Mistakes as they did.  David wanted sinners to be converted to God.  Vs 13

a.  In vs. 14,  David wanted to be delivered from his blood guiltiness.  He wanted to again
     Sing aloud the Lord’s righteousness.  This event had hindered his ability to praise the
     Lord.  David knew that people have a capacity to choose how to live.  This is bound to
     A person’s understanding.  People will do what they believe. 
b.  In vs. 15, David has seen this personally and he believed and knew he needed God to
     Help him again praise again.   

7.  In vs. 16-17, David saw that sacrifices and gifts to God are insufficient.  He knew that
     True sacrifice to God was a broken and contrite heart.  One that knows they have
     Sinned against God.  Talk about Ben Sieppert just saying sorry without justification
     Or excuse.  That is true sorrow.  David sees here our need to allow salvation to fully
     Influence our mind, will and emotions. 
a.  Emotions are based upon how we perceive an event.  They are a reflection on how we
     See an event. 
b.  We react emotionally how we perceive an event and we respond accordingly.  Most
      Of my intervention in church disputes have been in wrong perception of statements,
      Or actions.  A clean heart prevents this.

8. David closes with asking God to do good to Zion and Jerusalem.  Be pleased again
    With offerings of righteousness given upon your altar.  David wants God blessing on
     All those around him. 

a.  As we close today, my question is how is your heart.  If something I have said today
     As caused you to go ouch.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you deal with it. 

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