Saturday, July 7, 2018

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit – Ninety

     The Lord reminds you today that you are temple of the Holy Spirit and you are called to glorify the Lord in every aspect of your life.  This is not the first of this kind of message you have been given.  The problem is that you keep forgetting this message.  The influence of the world, the cares of this life and the constant attack of the devil have worn you down.  Your faith has been attacked over and over again.   As the temple of the Holy Spirit you have resurrection power available to you.  Walk in that power today. 
    The Holy Spirit today will be your abiding guest.  He has many great things in store for you.  Allow Him to do His great work in your heart.  He will take you where you are right now to where you are suppose to be.  The Lord will make you strong, might, powerful and a warrior.  You will not be defeated when you stand in the Lord your God.  Remember greater is He that is in you than He who is in the world.  Jesus destroyed the works of the devil.  When you submit to the Lord and resist the devil he will have to flee from you.   
     The Lord is your teacher today.  He will guide you into all truth.  He has many wonderful mysteries to reveal to you.  He will take that which He hears and passes unto you.  You will not be in the dark concerning the Lord’s will.  You will never lack wisdom when you ask the Lord.  The Holy Spirit is the distributor of these divine graces and virtues.  Let His pass onto you today divine information and knowledge. 
     The Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the whole subject that the Holy Spirit reveals and teaches about.  When Jesus is lifted up all mankind can come to Him.  The Holy Spirit will also empower you to relay this good news of Jesus Christ in your world today.  Jesus is the subject of all salvation stories.  He is the one who came to set the captive free.  Give sight to the blind and strength to the lame and weak.  The Holy Spirit is the regenerator of the Spirit and the transformer of the soul.  Today yield to Him and let Him take you where you have never gone before.  Do things you never dreamed possible and win the important battles in the war against satan.  The Holy Spirit makes all this happen.  Praise God.

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