Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Psalm 115 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

I cannot believe what has been done to me.
The one I counted on the most has betrayed me.
Together we did His work for His praise.
We had the sweetest fellowship and friendship.
Then when I was away he betrayed and spoke against me.
He slandered and maligned my character and my reputation.
Now many have followed him in the lie.

Lord you are my defender, my hope and my help.
I cannot defend myself, every word I say, gets twisted.
The more I say in my defense the deeper the hole I dig.
I did nothing to deserved this and not once did I speak of him wrongly.
My conscience is clear.  I offered nothing but love and friendship.
You know my heart in this matter.  I am blameless.
You must right the wrong and reveal the truth.

I refuse to take revenge, I refuse to return lie for lie.
Though offended, hurt and in pain.  I choose the path of forgiveness.
I refuse to nurse this in my heart or rehearse my hurt and make in larger.
I will not curse or demand my own way or will.
I choose to disburse this to you oh God.
You know my heart, keep me in the path of love.
I will reverse this and will walk in love, acceptance and forgiveness.

There is only one path when offended and hurt.
It is the path of forgiveness.
It leads us to a place of love, joy and victory.
No matter what others will do to me.  I refuse to do the same.
God is my hope, my salvation and I will put my trust in Him.
He will help me in my time of pain.
He will heal my heart.  Praise the Lord.

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