Sunday, July 14, 2013

Parable 99 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   It was the spring of the year when the two teenagers decided to go down a local river in a canoe.  The day was sunny, warm and beautiful.  At first the river quiet and serene.  Then it began to change more and more it became wild and chaotic as they approached a set of rapids.  Being novice canoeists the teens were challenged.  They bobbed and weaved through the rapids missing rocks and debris.  Finally they made it through the rapids.  The river was still moving fast when one of the teens lost his paddle.  He watched it float into a cove of the river.  They manage to get to shore where his friend told him that to continue he had to retrieve the paddle.  He made his way along the river bank and reached the cove.  He waded in and as he reached for the paddle the river bottom where he was stepping suddenly dropped off.  He took one more step and immediately he was under water gasping for air.  In desperation he lunged for the paddle.  He grabbed it and used it as a flotation device.  He kicked his feet and was able to get back to shore.  His friend who saw the incident ran into the area and helped him ashore.   
   In times when you are in over your head it is wonderful to know that there is something or someone God will provide to help you.

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