Thursday, July 11, 2013

Parable 83 - Parables of Steel - BY Robert Dean Steel

The old man was sitting on a park bench watching the world go by when a young man sat down beside him.  They began to talk and it was not long before the young man relayed a story of pain and sorrow.  The old man listen intently and with compassion.  When the young man finished his bitter account, the old man look at the young man.  He then said, "I know you have been through a difficult time but this is not the end of your story or journey."  He then explained that life has its ups and downs.  Times of happiness and sorrow of defeat and victories.  That each season has it's purposes and lessons.  He then said that the secret of success in life is knowing that each one will pass and like every journey or adventure you have to enjoy the scenery on the way.  He then closed the conversation reminding the young man that he had not reached his final destination yet.

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