Sunday, July 14, 2013

Parable 85 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   There once was a man who as a young man loved being a part time prospector.  He was good enough at it that besides his regular job his prospecting brought in extra money.  One day he came across a small cave and inside he found a small ribbon of gold.  He stake his claim but to his frustration all the land around his claim was staked by a large mining company. Located on a steep slope on the side of a mountain he had no way of getting the ore out and no capital to develop the mine.  He was approach several times over the years by the mining company but he refused to sell.  Over time the mining company forgot about him but kept their claims for the future.  Decades later now an old man he would go to the cave and dream what of could have been.  He died with that dream.  Whenever you have a dream never be too stubborn to let others help you fulfill that dream.

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