Saturday, January 5, 2013

Proverbs of Steel or Insightful Sayings by Robert Dean Steel

101.  The old Hymn said, "truth is marching on," the problem is that too many are marching in the wrong band.
102.  The problem with so many today is that they want to come out of the closet instead of cleaning it.   
103.  Relying on the word of a liar is like giving a thief the keys to your home.  
104.  Solomon said that foolishness is found in the heart of a child, he just forgot to mention that it lives in their parents as well.     
104.  Trusting in a fool is like shaving with duct tape.  Both will be painful.   
105.  You do not know real pain until you have slidden down a fifty foot razor and landed in a pail of iodine.  
106.  Your greatest enemy is the one you look at everyday in the mirror.   
107.  Water is a curious element.  To little and you thirst, to much and you drown.  In gas form, i can drive the biggest engines and float in the wind.  In solid form it can be cool and driven on.  Without it nothing lives.  Water like life has many elements.  It is the worse man who knows to harness its potential and uses.   
108.  Peace is a reality when two people choose to set aside their differences and work for the common good.   
109.  Friendship is precious and should never be taken for granted or exploited.   
110.  True courage is standing up for your convictions when everyone else is abandoning theirs.    

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