Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6 – No sickness - Isaiah 33:20-24

 June 6 – No sickness -

Isaiah 33:20-24


     Isaiah equates that day with a festival and a tent that will be pitched but it will not be removed

It will be established in that place there for a long period of time.  He states that the Lord is the

Mighty One.  In that day it will be a place of brad rivers and streams but no boasts or galleys

Will be sailing it. 

     Thre Lord will have four qualities.  He will be judge, lawgiver, king and the one who saves.  Isaiah

Then uses another well-known picture.  He tells them like a ship whose rigging hangs loose, the mast

Is not secure and the sail is not secure.  The abundance of the spoils will be divided and even the

Lame will carry off plunder.  The security that people rely on will be gone.  There will be no sickness

And those who do sin will be forgiven.  What a future.

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