Thursday, June 27, 2024

June 27 – Hezekiah’s Illness - Isaiah 38:1-6

 June 27 – Hezekiah’s Illness - Isaiah 38:1-6


     Hezekiah had become ill not long after the Assyrian invasion.  It was almost to the point of death. 

Isaiah told Hezekiah to get his house in order and because he was going to die.  Hezekiah did what he

Always did, he prayed.  He reminds the Lord about his wholehearted devotion, faithfulness and

Obedience.  He also wept bitterly. 

     Isaiah is told and tell the king that God has heard his prayer and seen his tears.  Prayer can change

Things when done with sincerity and whole heartedness.  The Lord promise to give him 15 years of

Life.  He also added a second blessing.  The Lord would defend him and Jerusalem from the Assyrians.

Prayer can and will change things so when in trouble or even when you are not in trouble go to the


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