Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19 – The Setup - Isaiah 36:11-15

 June 19 – The Setup - Isaiah 36:11-15


     The three representatives ask the field commander to speak to them in Aramaic the language of the

Area not in Hebrew the language of the defenders.  He replies that he was not just sent to speak to them or Hezekiah but to all the people who would suffer and be starved out. 

     Then the field commander in his arrogance sets the stage for his destruction and Sennacherib’s.  He

Tells them to not trust Hezekiah a common attack of the enemy to sow distrust.  Hezakiah cannot deliver you.  Don’t trust Hezekiah when he says the Lord will deliver the city from the hand of the Assyrians.  This sets up a direct confrontation between a petty ruler or kingdom and God.  God has proven time and time again He sets up rulers and kingdom and then destroys them because of their pride and arrogance. 

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