Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28 – Shadow Miracle - Isaiah 38:7-8

 June 28 – Shadow Miracle - Isaiah 38:7-8


     The Lord promised that he would give a sign to Hezekiah and that was he would make the shadow

Cast by the sun on the stairway of Ahaz to go backwards.  This was in response gain to the prayer of

Hezekiah.  We cannot emphasize enough the power of prayer.  You have not because you asked not.

Hezekiah had prayed and God answers by making the sunlight go back ten steps backward.  This is a

Miracle because the definition of a miracle is a supernatural intervention of God.  Isaiah was the

Messenger but Hezekiah was the person who made the miracle happen through his prayers.  The

Effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.

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