Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18 – The Letter - Isaiah 36:4-10

 June 18 – The Letter - Isaiah 36:4-10


     The field commander then hands them a letter which he reads.  The King through his spies had

learned much about the current situation.  This letter was a combination of intimidation, mocking and

psychological warfare.  He first speaks to Hezekiah ability to carry out warfare.  It says these are empty

threats.  He then speaks to the alliance Judah has with Egypt which he says is like getting bitten in the

hand.  You can’t depend on Egypt.  Then he speaks about their dependence on the Lord.  Hezekiah had

remove all the high places and altars throughout the land and told the people they were to only worship

at the temple.  This is where Sennacherib makes his mistake.  He mocked the God of creation and

protector of Judah.

     The field commander then makes a bargain that if they can find 2000 riders, he will supply them with

Horses.  He then states that they will not be able to repulse one of his riders and that Egypt with their

Supply of horses can not defeat him.  Then the commander blatantly lies when he states that the King

Of Assyria has been commanded by the Lord to march against Judah and destroy it.  It is so like the

Enemy to lie, test, and accuse to try to keep us off balance and shake our confidence in the Lord. 

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