Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24 – God’s Answer - Isaiah 37:21-29

 June 24 – God’s Answer - Isaiah 37:21-29


     Isaiah then sends a letter back to Hezekiah with a word from the Lord.  First it commends him for

his prayer.  The virgin daughter of Zion despises and mocks you as you flee.  Sennacherib had mocked,

blasphemed, in pride and ridiculed the Holy one of Israel.  The accomplishments they had done had

been ordained by God himself.  They were ordained to do this, but the Lord knows who they are.  They

Had mocked and raged against God Himself.  This letter shows the sovereignty, authority and dominion

of the Lord.

     The illustration used is that the Lord will put a hook in their nose, and they will be made to go back

The way that they came.  Their plans would fail, and they would be humiliated.

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