Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31 – Cyrus Part Two - Isaiah 55:1-8


July 31 – Cyrus Part Two - Isaiah 55:1-8


     One has to remember that when Isaiah wrote his manuscript it was broken up into chapters or verses

That would come later.  In fact, several hundred years later.  So, these first few verses are a continuation

Of the previous chapter.  Cyrus is anointed to take nations and strip kings of their power.  He will open

Shut doors.  The Lord will go before him and level mountains.  He will break down gates of bronze and

cut threw bars of iron.  He will get treasure from secret places, and he will come to know that the Lord is

summoning him. 

     It is for the sake of the Jews he will be summoned, anointed, and raised up.  He will be given a title of

Honor though he does not acknowledge the Lord.  He will be strengthened by the Lord.  People from all

Paces and walks of life will know it is the Lord who has done this.  The Lord creates light out of darkness. 

He can bring prosperity or disaster for He is the Lord who can do all things.  He commands the elements

So that righteousness and salvation may flow because these are His qualities.

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