Monday, July 15, 2024

July 15 – Benefits - Isaiah 41:17-19

 July 15 – Benefits - Isaiah 41:17-19


     There will be needy and afflicted people seeking water to quench their thirst, but they will not find it.

The Lord will answer them and will not forsake them.  He gives comfort to the needy, vulnerable, and

Afflicted.  He will open rivers on bare heights, springs in the valley, and make the wilderness a pool of

Water.  He will create lands that have been dry into fountains of water.  He will put forest of acacia,

Juniper, box tree, myrtle, olive, and cypress.

     People will see and recognize that the hand of the Lord has done this and that the Holy One of Israel

Has done exactly what He has promised.  You can trust the Lord for His promises, blessings, and benefits.

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