Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17 – One who Comes - Isaiah 41:25-29


July 17 – One who Comes - Isaiah 41:25-29


     The Lord is going to rouse and bring someone from the north.  This person will call on the name of

The Lord early in the morning.  He will destroy mortar and clay.  The Lord has declared this from the

Beginning and in former times.  They will say the Lord is right.  No one has declared, proclaimed, or

Said these words before.  The Lord has said in Zion and has said a messenger will come with good news.

The Lord has looked and saw there is no counselor among the recipients.  Anyone who rises among them will give a false answer and lie.  Their works are worthless.  Their molten images and idols are wind and emptiness.  This is the folly of idolatry.

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