Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25 – a New Thing - Isaiah 43:16-21

 July 25 – a New Thing - Isaiah 43:16-21


     The Lord reminds His people that He was the one who led them through the Red Sea and defeated

The Egyptian army.  He then tells them to forget the past and the former things.  Do not make the past

Part of your present or future.  He is now doing a new thing that they cannot perceive it.  He is going

To make a way in the wilderness and create springs of life in the desert.  The animals will honor Him

And He will provide water in the wasteland and deserts for His chosen people to drink.  Like he did for

Moses when he struck the rock with his staff. 

     The Lord has created and formed a people for Himself.  He has made them so they can proclaim and

Declared His name.  Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed and praise is an attitude of gratitude

Shown.  Life in the Lord has purpose and fulfillment.

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