Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23 – I am God - Isaiah 43:5-10

 July 23 – I am God - Isaiah 43:5-10


     Larry Lea back in the eighties used this scripture as a launching pad to call people to his church.

This is the second exhortation to not be afraid.  Fear of course is a spirit and must be dealt with in a

Spiritual way.  The Lord is with us so from the four directions the Lord will call people to help and be

With you.  They will not be held back and in the spiritual realm you can call them to help you in prayer.

     Those who call upon the Lord will realize that they have been called by His name and they have been

Created for a purpose.  Life takes on meaning.  Part of that is being to help those who are spiritual blind

And deaf to be free to hear and see the gospel. 

     The Lord reminds them no gods made of human hands could foretold this.  They can say things are

true or right.  The people of God are His witnesses.  We know and believe in Him.  We understand that

He is who says He is.  There is no God who has been formed Him and there is none after Him.  He is the

Eternal God.  He alone is God.

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