Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jesis must be Lord

This year I have been studying the Life of Christ more than any time in my Christian history.  I wanted to once again come to know this wonderful man and Savior.  It is interesting that whenever scripture introduces Jesus Christ it always introduces Him as Lord and then Savior.  Before He can be your Savior He has to be first be your Lord.  That word, Lord means that He has to be your master.  You have to bow your knee and heart to Him.  He is not first Savior, He is Lord.  In fact recently I heard a man of God say that you cannot be a Christian or servant of God unless first Jesus is Lord.  Jesus came not just to be a Savior but He came to establish a Kingdom in the hearts of those who would bow and say Yes, to His Lordship.  The problem today is many people want Him to be Savior first and then when they get around to it they will make Him Lord.  When you accept someone as master or Lord you are willing to give your time, talents and treasures to Him.  You say, "Whatever you want Lord I will do."  In our "me", and "I", driven society this is becoming more and more uncommon.  Most people want Jesus on their terms and not His.  I am afraid it does not work that way.  If Jesus is not first Lord, He is not your Savior.  So what have a choice.  Let Him be Lord because without His Lordship He is not Savior.

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