Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Time of Rest

This is a short weekend thought.  Each weekend we have the opportunity to relax if we have a job that goes Monday through Friday.  If we work shift work or have a job where we work on the weekend we have to take time during the week to relax.  The essence of what I am saying is relax.  Today for example my family is forcing me to relax.  This morning I am going to the R.V. show and this afternoon my wife is taking me to see the movie, "the hobbit."  They obviously have looked and seen me as a person that is focused on preaching the gospel in one form or another seven days a week.  Here I am sitting at home and writing a blog for CJCA.  I love what I do but I like everyone else need to learn to relax.  So today whether you name is Robert Dean Steel or someone else.  Learn to relax.  The Lord promised us rest when we need it.  Today let the Lord help you to find rest.  There is a place of rest for all of us.  Use it to regenerate, be restored and if necessary get healed.  Meet the Lord there and let Him be your strength.  Today I get to hang with family.  That could be rest or stress,  But is it not interesting that it you change just remove two s's in stress you get rest.  So get the S' out of your life and rest.

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