Friday, October 30, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Saudi Arabia

 To the Church and Nation of Saudi Arabia


     You were once a land of desert deities, with local myths, legends, and superstition.  You followed sorcery, witchcraft and evil powers.  Then you became the center of Islam.  Since that time there has been slavery, oppression, religious tyranny, exported terrorism, death, and oppression.  You are one of the most repressive countries and regimes in the world.  People put up with your ways because of your wealth and resources.  You have exploited and have murdered people in the name of religion.  The religion you claim is one of peace but it is not.  You are the center of and supporter of terrorism, slavery, religious persecution and oppression.  You use your resources and power to gain favor around the world.  Countries consider you stable and an ally because it serves their interests all to your shame.  I will judge you harshly in the last days.  Your hatred and support for those who hate my people will be your undoing.  You will fall as a nation and people in the near future.  You will reap what you have sown.  You will feel the full effect of what you have done.

     To my people in that land.  I know that you are persecuted, maligned and slandered.  I know that you work hard under oppressive conditions.  You are composed of people that I have sent there.  Your heart breaks over the blindness and deafness of the people of the land.  You pray, fast, and secretly work.  I have four promises for you.  First, I will show through visions, dreams and my word the residents of the land my salvation.  You will hear of this more and more as the day of the Lord approaches.  Next, I will give you true, signs, wonders and miracles.  You will see a growth of native believers who will be strong, creative resourceful and wise.  Even in the darkest place, I will shine my life.  Satan thinks he owns this land but he does not.  Thirdly, I will move among the young people.  They have seen the pain, tyranny, lack of love and peace in their land and they want truth, love, peace, and joy.  They will come to you for help, healing, and wholeness.  Be wise because some will actually are sent by satan.  You will have to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  This could lead to prison, oppression, and expulsion from the country.  You know the political, religious, social and economic climate you live in.  Lastly, I will send you mighty people of faith.  They will be strong, wise, creative and mighty in me.  Together you will reap a harvest in this dark land

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