Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Message to the Church and nation of Armenia

Message to the Church and nation of Armenia

     I the Lord know who you are, what you have been and where you are now.  I was there when you started as a nation around 4000 B.C.  I saw when you threw off the yoke of the false Babylonian god belus.  I was there when you received my messengers in the days of the Apostles.  I saw how you became the first country to proclaim I was Lord over your land.  I have seen that you have the oldest of all church institutions.  I was there when the followers of Islam tried to exterminate you but I did not let them.  I have always had a remnant in your midst.  I know you have gone through ups and downs in your history.  I judged you as a nation when you choose a godless system but I restored you when you choose me again.  I will always be with you.  I will never forsake or leave you.  You have been cold, hot and lukewarm through your history.
     I know you and have a good word for you.  Though some of you have turned back to the ancient ways the majority of you wish to honor me.  I remind you that righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people.  You are turning back to me and I will bless you again.  I will bring to you a time of prosperity.  To my church I have seen what you have gone through and are even now going through.  You are surround by nations that do not honor me but I will make you strong.  I am going to use you as a starting point in reaching these nations.  I will pour out my Spirit among your youth and you will have strong and determined evangelists among you.  I will do great and mighty miracles among you so that people will know that I am God.  You are not victims and never portray yourself as that.  I know there are those among you that will point to your history and will even use it as a nationalist cry.  Do not play that game.  You are overcomers, conquerors and victors in my eyes.  Never give into despair, sympathy and victim mentality.  You will rise and do great things among your people and through your region.  You will again be my church.  The days of the Holy Spirit are coming among you.  Rejoice and be glad.  To those I have sent throughout the world.  You will be as your nation a blessing to all.  

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