Monday, January 6, 2014

Self examination

In Psalm 139:24-25, David is spending time in self examination, he wants to make sure there is no wicked way n His life.  This process is very necessary from time to time.  We need to see if there is anything between us and God.  With the help of the Holy Spirit we will soon discover our sins and then with the Lord's help we will repent and keep our relationship with God strong and dynamic.  David prayed that even his thought life would be clean.  Paul writes in Phil 4:8-9 that whatever is true, right, pure, holy praise worthy or righteous we are to think on these things.  Right thoughts lead to right actions.  You are what you think.  David knew that his relationship with God was from ever lasting to ever lasting.  He knew that He would spend eternity with God.  David also knew that this life is a dress rehearsal for eternity.  What you do does matter.  So today have a time of self examination.  Spend some time with God and be honest with yourself and Him.  This process will change your view of yourself and God.  When you have repented of any sin or wicked way if there is.  Then get on with building a strong relationship with God and reaching those in your world for His praise and glory. 

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