Thursday, October 18, 2012

Being Thankful

In Eph 1:16, Paul tells his audience or prays for his readers that praying with thankfulness is key.  There are many who pray but somehow being thankkful is not part of their prayer time.  Being thankful means that you truly appreciate what God has done in your life.  It is a wonderful way to live.  Being thankful allows you to appreciate those around you.  You learn that everything that happens to you has a purpose even though at the time you do not see it.  Being thankful makes you aware that all things work together for good even though at the time it does not seem good.  Thankfulness is a quality that creates a positive outllook on life.  People want to be around a person who is thankful.  This quality creates an atmosphere of hope.  You know that God has been faithful in the past and He will be faithful in the present and in the future.  Thankful people are individuals who see the silver liniing in the dark clouds of life.  They are able to see the end and not just the present.  Thankful Christians know that the end is just as important as the beginning.  They have a longer view of life.  So today my encourage for you is to become a thankful person.  Thank God you are His and have a hope and future as Jeremiah says in his writings.  Be thankful and those around you will begin to be thankful.

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