Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Days blues

I am sitting here at my desk wondering what happened.  Christmas this year was a blur and now it is one day after and I wondered what was all the hype.  My son and I were sitting at home this year after the Christmas Eve service and we realized that we were the only ones to watch the Grinch who stole Christmas a family tradition until this year.  We decided not to watch it because we already knew who would win the contest for the best face.  Ryan as always.  There is nothing sadder to see a tradition laid aside or seeing Christmas change for a loved one.  Now that our children have grown they are starting and building their own traditions.  Our lives have changed and we have to focus on new realities.  The first reality is that Christmas is for the kids in us.  We must never lose and this year I did a little.  Fortunately as I write this I have decided to not grow up.  Being an adult is over rated.  I do not want to lose my child like faith.  I still believe that God can do all things.  That He loves us and that He wants the best for us.  I also still believe that people who love the Lord are good because of Christ despite the fact I see the opposite.  I have notice the decline in the priorities of the people of God but I still believe it is not the end of our story.  So enough of the blues and onto the message of Christmas.  Christ came to give us new life and let us embrace this and continue writing a great story of life.  

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