Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sept 18 – Endless Trap - Isaiah 57:7-10

 Sept 18 – Endless Trap - Isaiah 57:7-10


     Isaiah then continues to talk to the wicked.  Many at those times had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof.  You made their bed on a high a lofty hill.  Even today high places are where offerings to demons are made.  They made their sacrifices there.  However, in private they had pagan symbols and forsook the Lord.  They committed adultery with these idols.  They gave offerings of olive oil and perfume to Molek. 

     They sent ambassadors to other lands to learn of their pagan ways.  They added to the pantheon of gods and idols they served.  They even went to the length of seeking mediums to contact the dead.  Isaiah of course knew the dead had no contact with the living.  They had become weary with the ways of their lives but refused to give up on those ways.  Instead of seeking the lord and His strength they were trying to make it on their own strength and failed.  Such is the folly of idol worship.  Instead of freedom idol worship is an endless trap.

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