Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sept 17 – Address to the Wicked - Isaiah 57:3-6


Sept 17 – Address to the Wicked - Isaiah 57:3-6


     Isaiah changes his tone and addresses the wicked.  He calls them children of witchcraft.  Offspring of immoral people.  They are mockers, and sneer, stick out their tongues, brood of rebels and offspring of liars.  They are immoral when they worship oaks and trees.  They have sacrificed their children in ravines to pagan gods.  They have poured out drink offerings and grain offerings in full view of the Lord.  So, when he brings His judgment for their rebellion, disobedience, and paganism.  He will not relent.  Judgment is coming swift and sure.  The Lord is not mocked whatever a person sows they will reap.

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